Saturday, February 13, 2016

Stockings Alert

As we all now know, war time meant shortage of raw materials.
One such material was silk.


Silk was needed for making of parachutes, and other war related items.

Hence this period saw the creations of materials that were completely new to the world. 
SYNTHETIC MATERIALS were extensively used from now on. One such material that I came across was- Viscose. It was patented in 1892. Later it came to be known as Rayon.

It was widely used by designers as a substitute for silk.
Another such material was NYLON. Making stockings from nylon was very easy and economical.
From my visual diary: Stockings

It was surprising to know that these stockings were being purchased by women at a rate of 500 million pairs a year. Thats a lot of stockings!

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