Saturday, February 27, 2016

Remains of the War

I never paid attention to the actual words that describe my whole theme- World War.
So this time i started out keeping these 2 words in my mind. I began exploring and doodling things that i could relate war with- weapons, fire, remains, ashes were a few of them.
Exploring the theme
Giving a look of markings on a map

This is where i decided to print out a a map of the world in different sizes and burn their edges. That'll look like the remains from the war.
I did burn my finger for a milli- second while doing so. LOL. 

Burning little maps printed on strips
As you can see, I wanted to give a look of maps and markings in this swatch. So I went ahead and covered the head of the pins with some net fabric and pinned them onto the burnt maps that i pasted onto thermocol.
And here is the final outcome!

See you!

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